Why I'm "homeless".
It's around 18 months since I left the unit in Beachmere, bought the Toyota Coaster, lived in it for a while and then found house sitting opportunities. I'd left my husband after 43 years of marriage - he'd spent our money, was in denial, and I couldn't cope with it all. I packed a suitcase, took my computer and went to a friend's place to look after her house. He's sold my car too - so I was without wheels, though my friend let me use her car.
I was shattered. Messed up. Alone. As it turns out I manage to go back to university, and I was house sitting for over two years. During that time my father passed away, and I inherited his old car and some funds. Not enough to buy a house and retire on though.
After graduation, I drove my new car (had traded Dad's old one in), all around Australia. From Brisbane down to Adelaide via Broken Hill, then across the Eyre Peninsular, the Nullabor and up the WA Coast, and across the top end to Darwin, and eventually home to Brisbane. At least I kicked that off my bucket list.
In 2013 I rented a unit in Beachmere - and watched the rent increase every time I sneezed or so it felt, and a combination of a health problem (which made it difficult for me to mow lawns), and difficult neighbours I left.
The Coaster

My Coaster
I bought a 1983 Toyota Coaster, and as a member of a group called Rolling Solo, drove from Brisbane up to Mt Isa and Camoweal, and then across to the NT, down to Alice Springs for a great camp with 499 other women (solo travellers). Something else I kicked off my bucket list was visiting Uluru - I did that too.
Living in the Coaster had its challenges. I really was too tall for it, and I'd keep hitting my head, and the bed was too short for my tall frame. Checking the oil and water was not easy - and emptying the loo was a problem too.
Back to House Sitting
Then I was offered house sitting again, which I have been doing for over a year now - neglecting the Coaster. Things are changing again. I'm "over" house sitting and would like to settle. But where?
What do I want?
I'd like an affordable house (rent no more than $275 pw), all on one level (I can't do stairs at the moment), space for my furniture, which is very basic. I'd love to have room for my ebike and my exercise bike too! Maybe a little space to grow some plants. I'm happy to share - but would need two bedrooms at least and definitely two bathrooms. I like living near the sea - but a few kms away is ok, and I'd like to live within 40 kms of one or both of my children, though I'd rather not live on the Gold Coast. (In any case they are too expensive.)
Where to next?
I've explored many options and just can't find one that looks like it will work for me. I sound like I am "picky" but I don't want to live in a shoe box.
Watch this space - I have 6 weeks to find a new home.
My Coaster |