Moving House - Into a Van

There's so much to do.  I am working to move out of my unit - downsizing, and move full time into my new Toyota Coaster.  
My Toyota Coaster
Well, it is not "new" - it is a 1983 model - but with a newer diesel engine.  I have had it for nearly four weeks now, but have only had one trip away in it.   It was somewhat of an embarrassment.  You can read about it here.

For the moment I am packing up my belongings in the unit.  It is Easter week, so traffic is chaos and not a good time to take out the van.  I will try and go out in the next week or so.

Many items I am giving away.  I am endeavouring to sell some items, but in the end, I accept that I will be giving many things to people who need the items more than me.

When I decide to end my vanning days, I will have to move into a smaller apartment.
