Christmas Lights in Beachmere

It does look wonderful when you drive around your neighbourhood and many of the houses are decorated with lights to celebrate the Christmas Season!!

I live in what is described as a village, just some 50 kms north of the city of Brisbane.  A sleepy village sometimes, with not a lot of the modern facilities most suburbs have, but we like it like that.  It's usually quiet.  It's near a river and the sea, semi rural.  But it has a great sense of community.

In 2015, a couple of members of a local community group "judged" the few places that had amazing lights and awarded prizes on Christmas Eve, thankfully donated by people of substance in the community.

In 2016, we had an official competition - and many more people got into the swing of it all and though not all entered the competition, we found that the village was much more colourful than the year before.  What will 2017 bring????

These are just some of the beautiful decorations for Christmas 2016!
