Flowers and Writing

It has been a big week in many ways.  My volunteer work demanded much of me during the week, including a function at the Village where we had a great group of Muso's but it occurred on a day that had stormy weather warnings so I had to help the other volunteers find an alternate venue than the one of our choice.  Still it was a great performance and it was fun to watch others in the audience get into the spirit of the show.  The group was called "The Get Happy's" - and they were a lot happier than in the photo for their publicity.

The Get Happy's

My first orchid for Spring

The three flowers above were in a bunch given to
me by my son.  Thank  you Gav.

It was also the week that I visited the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers which included a visit to the Spring Bluff Station.  I wrote about the latter for Weekend Notes and won an award - small one, but still one to get excited about.

I also had three major writing deadlines on other items - and I managed to do them on time.  Will wait and see what happens. Happy though that I had achieved the goals.
