Memories and Strange Stories

I spent some of the morning getting my hair done - ridding my hair of the dreaded dark spots - so now I am more blonde than I was yesterday.  Sitting next to me was a lady who is also going to be in China at the same time.  Fancy that!!  Two Beachmerians going to China at the same time.  She is participating in dragon boat races - I've learned since that it is Dragon Boat Festival when I am there on June 2nd.  Great.

I came home and turned the radio on - Margaret Throsby interviewing Kate Fitzpatrick.  It was especially interesting to me as I knew Kate's grandmother - Mrs Kenihan, who was the Divisional Guide Commissioner during my time as a Guide.  Mrs Kenihan's husband was a doctor.  I love Margaret Throsby's interviews and have some downloaded onto my MP3 player to held while away the hours on the plane!!!

Kate also mentioned Joanna Priest - a name familiar to me from Adelaide in the 1950's - Joanna was a teacher of ballet.  Was she mine? The name is so familar to me but I can't recall.   If I was one of her students - I was a failure but whoever my ballet teacher was, they would be proud that I still dance.  Alone and simple steps, but it is often a method of exercise when I am home along.  (Oddly enough, there is a story of my dancing across a stage in China, trying to recall some of my ballet steps and hand movements in a weird rehearsal for a totally different performance.   One of my funny stories about life in China.

Adelaide was a small strange place in the 1950's - and I think all children were introduced to cricket at an early age.  I recall going to the Adelaide Oval - with my grandfather to watch cricket at a very early age.  I'd like to think I saw Don Bradman play, but I doubt it.

Amazingly Kate went on to be a Cricket Commentator for Channel 9 in 1983 - apparently the first femal cricket commentator in history!!  She is an actress and an author and a most interesting person.  The interview will soon be downloaded to the web page so I will download it all, and listen again.
