As a young girl I was very involved in Girl Guides - often to the disadvantage of my schooling, though there is no doubt I was learning new skills all the time in Guides. I remember about 1958 being awarded the Aboriginal Badge - as I had to learn more about our indigenous peoples. I don't recall that I learned THAT much about the people and their history, but I know that I was more knowledgeable than my peers at the time.
I was somewhat obsessed by Guides, and it may be no surprise that I gained the very highest award - the Queen's Guide Award, and still have my badge and certificate.
In my unpacking of my boxes, some of which have not been opened for many years - or at least the folders within - I found this amazing piece of my history.
It is written on paper that may be discoloured by age, or perhaps it was not white when written. It is handwritten.
In the left hand corner is the logo - the wording around the image of the logo reading THE GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER.
It reads:
Also in my archives I found this reference from Adelaide Girls High School.
Luckily I have kept many of my letters and certificates. I doubt my family will want them, but I am enjoying reading them and remembering special events in my life.
I was somewhat obsessed by Guides, and it may be no surprise that I gained the very highest award - the Queen's Guide Award, and still have my badge and certificate.
In my unpacking of my boxes, some of which have not been opened for many years - or at least the folders within - I found this amazing piece of my history.
It is written on paper that may be discoloured by age, or perhaps it was not white when written. It is handwritten.
In the left hand corner is the logo - the wording around the image of the logo reading THE GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER.
It reads:
(South Australia)
Telephone W 2466
State President:
State Commissioner:
State Secretary:
Handwritten, under the address of the sender, P R Thomson, who was the Guide Advisor, and the date 6th August, 1960, it reads:
Dear Dianne,
Congratulations on gaining your Queens Guide Award. It is the highest Award which you can obtain in Guiding and demands a very high standard. And I am confident, Dianne, that you will maintain this high standard in your future service. If you go on in the Movement you will be an example and inspiration to many others. If you serve the Community in any other way you will be regarded as - "Guide trained" as an example of how Guiding can usefully train Leaders.
Your certificate, signed by the Queen, will be presented at the Act of Loyalty, 1961, and you will hear from me before then.
Once again, many congratulations, Dianne.
Yours sincerely,
P R Thompson
Guide Advisor
My Guide Badge - and the Queens Guide badge. |
Also in my archives I found this reference from Adelaide Girls High School.
Luckily I have kept many of my letters and certificates. I doubt my family will want them, but I am enjoying reading them and remembering special events in my life.