Last Night as Photographer

I have been the "official" unofficial photographer for the Wynnum and Districts Chamber of Commerce for several years now, and last night was my last function before I head off on my journey.  And what a busy night it was as the Premier of Queensland was a special guest/

Friend JH and the Premier, Campbell Newman

Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta and Manuel.
 doing the Wynnum wave.
There were some very strange characters in attendance, not just the politicians, and a good  night was had by all.  We had a little 'studio' complete with reflector white umbrella, borrowed from my photography teacher Paul Farris, at at the end of the night there were quite a lot of shenanigans in the "studio".  For me it was a very busy night!

Our State Member of Parliament Neil Symes as life guard.

Having fun at the party!
