A Day by the Bay

It had been a while since I had ridden my bicycle.  In part because the battery is slowing dying and despite being 'fully charged' it gives up easily, but the land is relatively flat around Birkdale, so I powered it up and set out on a journey which would not need much power from the motor.  I took off along Charles Street to Moorodu St,  (I must check the spelling) to the waterfront and rode along to the entrance of Aquatic Paradise and managed to get back to the house without any challenges from the battery.

Looking towards King Island, Wellington Point
Later in the day I visited Ormiston House at Wellington Point - not on the bicycle of course, but I drove there.  This historic house is part of the sugar history of Queensland, and was not long ago derelict, but   a local group now has restored it, and it is open every Sunday.

Wonderful place to visit!
