I am staying with my daughter and family at Hemmant. The girls are back at school after the holidays so hopefully I can get my studies done - it should be all quiet in the house all day. Today my daughter works, so I will be all alone. It is raining - so a bit cooler than it has been in the last few days but the humidity high. Fan on.
I try to keep out of the way - in the mornings it can be a bit chaotic with the two girls scrambling to do their chores and get ready for school, but Number One granddaughter, loves to read my Kindle. She is reading the story of Daisy Bates and I have set up her own collection in MY Kindle. Last night she had to read for 15 minutes - a requirement every day after school. One that she enjoys. She is a huge reader of books and can't wait to do her reading time. Last night she wanted to read the Kindle, and she did. Read overtime - nearly 30 minutes (and of course she was not complaining).
Well get into study shortly.......