I set off for Wynnum early - and halfway there remembered I'd left my phone on the charger back at Paddington. Eeek!! It had the address of my second appointment!!! Still I made it to the first appointment and collected my printed book marks, and then asked if they could look up the name of my next appointment in the White Pages. Mmmm. Two people with the same surname in the one street. I can't phone to confirm.
I had a little time so went to Mason's Art Supplies near the Wynnum Station and bought some goo that I need for my paintings. I've decided to be a little creative and do some art. Should be fun!!
Then I went to a house in the street - hoping I'd picked the right one. Sure did. I had a coffee and chat and then wen to my daughter's place. Not home. I can't phone her. Then I went to our Wynnum West address, and used the phone to call a few folk and try and sort out my day. No one answered.
So I went to the Plaza and bought a dress and a pie for lunch. Then went back to the Wynnum West address to eat the pie and the callers caught up with me there. How funny.
Then I went to daughter Janet's place - chatted a while before leaving mid afternoon after coffee and pineapple.
There were five messages and missed calls on the phone - but I'd caught up with everyone anyway.....