Yucky Weather

All is well here.  The weather though has been awful.  Lots of rain, cold and miserable for this time of year.  The only challenge I have had is getting washing dry.  I have had the use of a clothes dryer for those days that the wind and sun does not dry the clothes properly, but here there is not one, and it has been so wet that clothes just hang on the line and do not dry well.

Glad to see the sunshine yesterday and I filled the line - and managed to get everything dry.  

The garden doesn't need any watering - the skies do that, though I have not forgotten the pots on the decks that are under the roof and do not benefit from the rain.  The Irises in the urn (with fish) and ponds have flowered

The folk in the house at the back have moved out and the house is empty - they certainly were not noisy but cars went to and from the place from time to time.

The only noise I hear is the noisy builders and from what i hear it is constant - a drive or walk around the area reveals so many places being updgraded, so it is not surprising.

Except for the birds.  The back door is jamming so I don't use it so the birds don't see me as much.  There is another door onto the deck, but it is the kitchen one that alerts them to my presence and the possibility of food.  They've not visited for some days. 
