I'm wrecked.

Exhausted. I had a busy week, and got up early this morning to pick flowers at our Gerbera Farm. I actually slept in a little, but was only 10 minutes late. The whole family was there during the morning, picking and preparing the flowers.

It was amazing. J and I had to go a little early, so I didn't finish until 11 am. 4 solid hours working with the flowers. I was exhausted. I went home and showered and changed and went down to the shops. I needed a few things.

There was a political event during the afternoon - and I won't go into details - but it was a preselection with some challenges. We were told it was cancelled, and at the last minute told it was on, so we hastily went and challenged the validity of some decsions. So it has been postponed.

By the time I got home I was more wrecked. I mean - how tired can one get and still keep walking? We decided that we'd have our evening meal at Maxwell Place ( the house sit), so I called in at the supermarket, bought some packaged salad, a packaged lasagne, strawberries.

It was an easy meal to prepare - we ate it outside - so peaceful.

It is now almost 7 pm. and I'm ready for bed now.
