I went into the city by train – it is always interesting to watch the people on the train. And I can watch people and play with my Sodoku game at the same time.
I hadn’t been right into the city for a while – and after lunch I wandered into the Mall. I saw an entertainer that was really getting the crowds involved with his performance. I heard later that he comes into the city dressed like this!
I like hearing the didgeridoo being played and he gave a good performance.
Back to the train and the return trip. More Sodoku and studying the folk on the train.
I had time to drive to the Plaza and wander around the shops before my hair appointment. It is always nice to have a good haircut. Afterwards it was back to the house, a bit of reading, my evening meal and early to bed!
Tuesday October 3rd.
I have found “sitting” not far from home has many advantages. One is that I can continue to do the things I normally do. I can still attend the meetings that I usually attend, and keep in touch with my friends, although I guess some of them would be happy to visit me if I was not too far away.
I managed to get to our local writers group (WOW), and later do some chores at the house.
I’m amazed that I have managed to keep my commitment to walk the poodle daily, and indeed some days I’ve managed twice a day. The poodle and I are getting on very well! I think he’d go with anyone willing to take him for endless walks.